Apr 11, 2008 19:20
Ever since I've started seriously reading and learing about Wicca and paganism, I've found myself looking at little things a lot differently.
Just today while listening to show tunes, I found myself frowning at the song "Old Devil Moon" and wondering why they called it 'devil', wondering if it's a reference to the demonized view of witchcraft.
Of course this leads to the bigger view of holidays. This past Easter I was watching The Secret Life Of on the Food Network, and kept waiting and hoping they'd mention paganism in their explanation of the holiday's history. I was relieved when they did, but disappointed they didn't go into further detail beyond the story of a goddess turning into a rabbit.
And naturally the biggie is the Yule/Christmas. I've always loved it as my favourite holiday, always telling folks "It doesn't matter what faith you are, everyone can love Christmas! Its about the togetherness and gift giving and good will towards your fellow man!" but now.. after discovering Yule was "stolen" and turned into Christmas, along with most other nationally recognized holidays, I find it hard to follow my own advice.
I can't help but feel a teeny bit bitter, especially because my sister in law is teaching her 6 year old "the christian way". I have the urge to explain the truth about the holidays, but I don't have it in me to debate religion with a kid who can't even say his R's correctly..
I'm actually almost dreading Samhain this year, as all the little stereotypes bug me. TV is going to be littered with the stuff and I feel like I'll just be grouchy the whole month. There's going to be a Witches Ball in one of the cities north of here and I'm thinking of going if I can, I think the support of fellow pagans would be good for me.
How do you all cope with these little annoyances?
holiday history,
coming out