Mar 09, 2016 15:31
Hi y'all, I'm having a problem I'm hoping y'all might have some ideas on how to cope with.
I'm a big believer in messages from the Universe showing up in dreams, and the last couple of weeks I've been having really messed up dreams, very violent and disturbing stuff. I have bipolar disorder and that's been making a lot of this year really rough for me, but the last couple of weeks I've actually been feeling pretty stable. But still I'm having these dreams. And I'm worried that they're a bad omen that things will be getting bad that way again soon, or maybe that something else bad is going to happen in my life. It's making me really nervous.
So I guess I have three questions:
1. Are these dreams actually anything to worry about?
2. If they are a sign that something bad could be happening, is there anything I can do magically to help protect myself?
3. If they're not a bad omen, is there anything magically I can do to just make them stop happening and upsetting me?