Hey! Calling all Wiccans of all paths! Come join me in the Facebook group, The Cauldron ~ A Mixing
place for Witches, Druids and Pagans at this link:
https://m.facebook.com/groups/387078881361317?refid=18&__tn__=C We accept all paths of Wicca, Paganism, and Druidism, of course! However it is a Closed Group so the admins have to review your Facebook page before accepting your join request(s). Once accepted please take a few moments of your time to read our rules! But most of all, have fun! Oh and before I forget- and you know sometimes I will- if you are accepted, you will be allowed to advertise your groups however, make sure they are Pagan/Wiccan related and that you only advertise twice per month! Bright Blessings everyone!