UF entrance essay. comments anyone?

Sep 10, 2004 20:54

step outside of your home. what would you cahnge about what you see?

I have a deep love for my land, my world, and most importantly, my life. With this love that I have attained from my very fortunate birth, I have spent a lot of time contemplating not only on life, but also on our society, its driving force, and how it works. I believe that everything happens for unpredictable reasons, and these reasons are led by actions, which lead to other actions that subsequently become greater and greater until the world is changed. Our future, if thought of as a path, is anything but certain…it’s completely unpredictable, and therefore, completely changeable. It is with this belief that I can take a step to change what I see as wrong today, and make it to what my grand children will see as right and morally sound tomorrow.
If I had to change anything, it wouldn’t deal with the norms of human society and the way we live amongst each other as people. It would have to deal with our true foundations…our earth and all of its inhabitants. I would change the way that most humans treat their brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers…the other species living on earth. I cannot, with a placid heart, accept the fact that some corporations create mass genocides every day on innocent LIVING THINGS for fast food restaurants. A lot of us treat anything other than human as inferiors, as “live targets” to shoot with our sophisticated weapons, as scientific experiments to test deadly, painful poisons, as caged “pets” to please our children solely for a month before these “possessions” are abandoned and forgotten. This is NOT right. We ALL have the natural rights of freedom and life. To destroy countless amounts of livestock and other living things without giving them these rights is atrocious.
I agree with the statement “for the survival of the fittest,” but how can one justify this if his target is born, caged up in steel bars, fed remnants of his same specie and made ready to die because of the driving force of money... If we must kill for food, let us do it in a humane, non-commercial way. Change is extremely possible in our world, but it can only happen with moral reform; one person at a time, one day after another, until the world, once more, is changed.
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