Nov 22, 2011 10:37
Ok, I've warded off the 3DS bug for very long, mostly because 1) I apparently get nauseated if I stare at 3D for more than 2min, and 2) because of #1. Of course, the counterargument is that I can play with the 3D features off, but, um, what's the point of me buying another DSi now for originally 250 bucks?? But now, now, after the sharp price drop, after the myriad of games that're finally starting to show up for 3DS, after a year of fixes (I suppose?) and all the competition with Vita, now, what do we have? The gorgeous 3DS Ocarina of Time Bundle at Bestbuy for $179.99 for Black Friday. Say WHAT?? I am soooo tempted now. I might become one of those crazy door breaker people at dawn on Friday, but I suspect they only carry like, 1 of those and will be grabbed by someone faster than me, for sure. Also, rumor has it that it's already sold out online, so.... um... hmm.
But the Zelda edition is soooooooo pretty!!!!!!!! Also, it looks like every game franchise I actually buy (Cooking Mama, Zelda, Mario, Layton, other RPGs) are all going to 3DS and are not backwards compatible in the DSi gen. I have to eventually buy one if I want to play Professor Layton more. (And I totally do want to play Professor Layton more.) Who knows, maybe if I turn the effects down a bit I can still see 3D but not kill my eyes or something.
ALso, I just noticed that, in order for you to play the Paper Mario series, you have to own 4 different consoles. What the fuck? They are all great games, I'm sure. I can personally attest for the first two, although the very first one is far superior. But really Nintendo? If I got into the series later I have to go back and buy 4 different consoles??? I guess with the digital download thing it's less of a hassle because you can just play on the Wii, but, damn.
nerd talk