Right. I'm officially an internet addict (as if I hadn't known this before) - I'm not happy unless I can whine on lj.
Called K. and left work at noon, because I wasn't feeling too well (exhausted after a bare half hour walk to work), though I guess that might be a reaction to the tetanus shot more than anything else. Treated myself to an ice-cream that turned out to be somewhat disappointing. Bought what I thought was grapefruit juice, but in fact was pineapple. Hungry. Slept/drowsed through the afternoon. Somewhat more awake now.
Learning to be ambidextrous, or rather I'm trying not to use the right hand at all, to avoid accidentally straining the stitches (inner side of the top joint, of all places). Transfered the mouse to the left side of the keyboard and getting better at using it left-handed.
Today's political climate doesn't allow the luxury of apathy.
(Trent Reznor, in response to a fan's question,