Nov 17, 2009 00:24
Oh. My. God.
I'll have to say that until about half way through, maybe even a bit more than that, I mostly thought that the water spewing aliens were a bit weird and really not the best idea ever for the monster of the last but one episode, but... brilliant. In the end the pacing, subdued tone and slow build-up worked perfectly; fantastic twists, and LIndsey Duncan and David Tennant were absolutely perfect, especially in the final confrontation. I wish I could say something more intelligent than that, but I don't even want to start picking it apart. So he finally stopped running, and there was insanity waiting right there.
Mood: vastly better. Which I guess says a lot about how wrong my brain is wired when three hours of someone talking about the importance of positive thinking will drive me to tears & depression, and RTD's not exactly happy storytelling cheers me up again...
doctor who