* Whee! Present from
soavezefiretto! ::smooches:: It's a gorgeous red, orange and yellow glass sun, and it's hanging from the shelf above my desk now, slightly behind and to the right of my computer, to remind me of, and inspire, good, sunshine-y thoughts.
* The heat. The heat. Sultry, wet heat, the horse was driven crazy by insects, and I was insane enough to venture outside and buy sandals (the trekking type, except a little more pretty and less trekk-y, but adjustable straps are a necessity for my stupid duck feet.). Constantly covered in sweat.
* Watched another two episodes of SV, ca. middle of the season, and, what? Marriage is sacred! Sex before 18 is often regetted! One night stands are bad, bad, bad, and a sure sign of more evil to come! What's next, abstinence only? Now everyone who's read my journal for any length of time knows my sex life is confused and pathetically nonexistant, so it's not exactly a personal issue, but to each his/her own, and the level of preachiness here is almost breaking the fourth wall. I didn't think S4 started all that badly, I liked Lois, who was a much needed fresh breath, but it's becoming increasingly cracktastic (and not really in a good way) and just generally erratic...
::racks brain for a single semi-intelligent thought::
And I don't have anything witty and/or (thought)provoking to say about The Bush Visit either; since I didn't work today, i wasn't even in the vicinity.
::gives up & blames stupidity on the heat::
I did mention the heat, right?