Nothing like a long walk to put things back into perspective. Though looks like I got back just in time for the butchers to start jumping for extra game. I had three requests for whatever else I can drag in just this morning.
Feh, they must be planning on getting extra business with the festival coming up. And the Noble Ball
[screened: private]
Been awhile since I've spent time with the clade; think maybe I needed that. Hisao's right, of course; living around the Capitol, I know the damn risk. If I plan to stay around here, I'm gonna have to live with being recognized. And I can't go out of my skin every time it happens. At least it was Yukari and not Yuushi or Shou-
Don't know if I could live with that nearly as wel-
'Course he also reminded me that I still have a place with the clade if I wanna go back. And if I need to bring Yukari with me, then she's welco-
[ooc] Strikes deleted~.