Aug 16, 2010 14:17
Discovered that something has made my journal go wonky and all the type is in black on a black background so I can't read my old posts or friend's page with out highlighting the text. :( gonna have to see if I can catch linds and have her fix it, since she was the one who snazzified my journal in the first place.
So I've been in funk for two days I think it might be breaking up a bit, which is nice. Not really sure why exactly I think there are a couple of factors. Money is super tight right now, to the point of I don't know how we're gonna make it day to day but we are striving to get through it. We still are searching for a new home for our ponies and the tension level at the current place is super high which makes going to take care of our ponies on a daily basis very stressful. Teddi goes back to college in MI on Wed. She is thrilled and I am happy for her too and see benifits for myself with her going but its still kinda sad. I've gotten used to having her around everyday. Lastly Neil has been so super busy that he and I have barely had anytime to talk and when we do talk he is so absorbed in his class projects that it tends to monoplize our conversation. I am not complaining really, I am very happy he is this close to being done with his first degree and so proud of what he has accomplished this far but sometimes I need some time too. I did finally tell him this today and we got a little bit of time to chat online which was nice. I was beginning to feel very isolated, he is more than just my boyfriend he is my best friend and I needed some of my best friends attention. I am supposed to get to talk to him on his way to school today too so that should be nice too.
I'm slowly sorting out how next quarter's schedule will look each day of the week and it is starting to feel more real and do able which is a good thing.
Its looking like Sundays will be free for sleep, laundry, me time and homework (proally mostly homework), Mondays will either be spend on homework and at PBJ Connections (my intership placement) or on campus working my student job. Tuesday will be the hell day because I will have to be up before 5am and on the road by 5:30am inorder to get to my 7:30 class and I will be in class until about classes are not all directly back to back but I do have a streach in the morning and evening that I bounce from one to another with 15mins between or something. Wed will be spent like Monday either working on campus and doing homework or at PBJ. Thurs morning will be spent working I think and then I have class from 1 to about 8. Friday will be either PBJ or Working on campus with the possiblity of doing a show for Cloak and Dagger. Saturdays will be spent working at PBJ, doing homework or doing a show for Cloak and Dagger.
I am excited about the Cloak and Dagger theatre stuff. I am working as the Stage Manager, Ruth got me in to it with her. The actors like me and I am getting the swing of things. Its a cool concept for a theatre too cause its a dinner theatre where the actors do all the serving too. Plus it will bring in an extra 50 to 100 a week depending on how many shows I do. There is a rotating staff of Stage Managers currently so I am unsure how many shows I will get but two of them are going out on leave so it could be mostly me and Ruth doing the show in Sept - Dec.
I am working on to do lists for before school starts. On the top of my list is make sure my room is completely functional before classes start so I can get into a good routine and be as productive and destressed as possible.
Neil and I have been talking alot about our future, what we want to see, what we want to happen. Its been nice and very productive I think. he has also decided that he does want kids if its in the cards for us. Infact he went from wanting NONE to wanting 4. I think he is nuts. I told him two that gives us three with emily and if he would count avia itd be 4. We shall see who wins this debate. I'm starting to wonder if its not just reverse psychology..hoping i will counter his 4 with 0. But I dont really think so cause he sounds excited when he talks about it now. Its cute. I am so done looking for anyone else I have found where I belong and its with him. Things may not always be ideal but I dont care. He love me, I can not wait to see what life will be like when we are no long so far apart so much of the time. Long distence is horrible.
Osu is messing with my financial aid again. They have put a hold on all my funds and want the appeal form, they told me I couldn't fill out until next quarter, already filled out and turned in. I could've killed them. The lady I delt with this time was nice and appologized for the bad info and asssured me that I should have not issues getting the aid I need in the correct amount of time as long as I get the appeal form in this week so I have an appt with Andrea, my advisor, tomorrow and the aid office will have the form up there nose tomorrow.
Stupid Columbus State has blocked my Live Journal site so I can no longer post when I am there..good thing Teri and I should have internet with in a month or so cause I miss posting. I was seriously itching to get some of this stuff off my mind and into a journal. Now that I have I feel a lil bit better. This isn't quite the complete post I was going for but its a good start. :)