
Jul 07, 2010 15:35

It is interesting to me how difficult the concept of deal with Today alone can be for people, myself included. However if you think about it today is the only thing that exists.

Yesterday is done, you can do nothing to change the events of it, you can replay a game or respeak a conversation (do not confuse this with rediscussing a topic from a prior converstation, that is still a new conversation today it doesn't change the previous one). Nothing about yesterday is fluid, changable or manipulatable by those of us in today. That can be a scary concept for people, especially ones who feel like the essence of themselves was left somewhere in the past or lost with someone from their past. The ones who can not let go of high school feelings or grudges, or are having a difficult time continuing on in their own lives without someone they have lost in one of their many yesterdays. We have already lived yesterday it is now a part of our past, our past is not something to be ashamed of or concerned over, it just is. However we should not take it for granted either, the past can teach, can hold plesant memeories of good times gone by, can renew strenght, and can revivify feelings. The past is a treasure, it may not all shine like well polished gold as we may wish, it may have spots of tarnish or even rust that we are not proud of but as life progresses we maybe able to polish some of those spots or even replace some of the rust but at least acceptance of how those spots came to be is key to finding happiness in Today. And Today is all we truly have so filling it with happiness vs. regret is a fulfilling and empowering course of action.

Tomorrow isn't here yet however if you think that alot of people worry/live in the past I would venture to guess that even more live in the future. Now do not get me wrong, I am not saying that you shouldn't have dreams, or make plans there is a difference in living in the future and living for the future. Living for the future means making plans, getting an education to get a better job, buying a house,investing, however living in the future means that you miss out on the present things going on. You are too busy waiting on whats to come to see what is. Tomorrow never truely gets here so how can we expect to find happiness in it if we are attempting to live in it now? Tomorrow is something to strive for, something to plan for, something to dream of and even, at times, something to fear. However if tomorrow starts becoming to large of a concept in one's mind perhaps reminding one's self that tomorrow do not truely exist, today is all we have to worry about, may help to shrink tomorrow down to the proper size.

What does today offer us? Today offeres the opportunity to achieve goals, both small ones and ones that we have planned for, today offers us the opportunity to find happiness in the little things going on around us ever minuet. Today is filled with the people around us that we love and even that we are not fond of, each one leaving an impression of themselves on our day. Today is filled with accomplishments, frustrations, and even failures but if you add patience and acceptance into the mix today becomes more managable and less intimidating. Today needs to be lived in and fully expierenced becasue it is really all we have.


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