Sep 13, 2009 20:17
I am beginning to feel my sanity ebb away i think. The stress of this situation is becoming too much for me. Dad really wants me to go home and while it has HUGE downsides it is really beginning to become the route I am leaning towards. I could go hide and begin de-stressing for awhile. I just dont know how to leave to leave to leave the ponies. How has the others who walked away do it? I dont know how its done with out a piece of me being broken and left behind.
I want an answer...a fix...some clue what to do. Something.
How do i deal with this.
It has NEVER been this bad. We've had it bad but never like this. I have never gone to bed hungry because there is no way to make food and no money to buy food. No electric to read by and no music to get lost in.
I am not sure how realistic about the situation Teri is being either. She is so dead set against us living with grandma adn just keeps saying we are going to ahve to find a way to afford a where is the money coming from? some one please tell me.
I am so on edge i just want to hide from everyone or i am picking fights or flipping out on the phone to those i talk to. I am killing my father more everyday too cause he cant handle knowing how bad it is here right now and that i wont just let him come get me.
I need to sit down with teri and talk about this. I am wondering if money wise it would make more sense for her to find a place for her and me to go home and send her money for the ponies.
I dont knwo what to do anymore.