Jan 13, 2005 19:44

    Who is done with their senior paper? I'll tell you who...ME!!!!! Man, it feels wierd to be done with it. It's definatley going to feel wierd not stressing over for time to come. But yet i still have to get my required drawing done for CAD. That won't be a problem, hopefully. I also have the AP Calc midterm to stress over.

You know what I miss? Running. XC in particular. I had study hall at the end of the day today and my friends and I were chanal flipping in the cafeteria and I come across men's college cross country. They can freakin high tail it through a 10K (roughly 6.2 miles) course. I'm seriously considering doing XC for D'Youville. I don't know if I will be any good at it. Who knows. My cousin Graham said I should because it will give you the some of the greatest memories of collge. This is coming from a runner for St. Bonneventure. I was joking with my brother about trying out for their soccer team as well. I haven't played soccer in about 4 years. I wonder how great would I be if I did.

I went to Books Books yesturday looking for a AP Calc review book and I found one. But I didn't buy it. I found two Jack Kerouac books but didn't buy them either. I found Janet Evanavich's To the Nines book and bought that. I also found a book on tape for Lolita. What was so significant about this book on tape is it is read by the one and only JEREMY IRONS. His voice is tainted with a sexy british accent and an almost permenant snarl. It's a great sound to fall asleep to.

Geiger and I might go celebrate the end to senior papers over the weekend. I don't know what we'll do. But it doesn't matter.

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