
Dec 02, 2006 11:53

I guess this 'less time spent online' thing seems to be working out for me. I'm a lot busier and a little happier. Time seems to be flying at the moment. I remember last New Years Eve like it was yesterday (oppressive heat, meth and a midnight game of monopoly) and its already December.

I went to my work Christmas party last night. I planned on only staying out until 10-11pm (so that I could catch a bus home - I don't trust taxis when I am by myself), but 4 cups of beer later I find myself dancing with my boss to Sexyback. It was a lot of fun. One of my work-mates, Kayla is crazy. She is 17 and up to some very dodgy stuff (the kind of stuff that I didn't get into until my early twenties). I thought that my drunken horror stories were bad (I have fallen out of a car and smashed my face on the kerb as well as breaking my foot in a kung-fu style manoever - separate occasions), but Kayla had a drunken incident that resulted in her Mother finding her lying on the floor in a pool of blood (She broke her nose), not to mention the fact that she has lost her license for drink driving twice!! Crazy! But fun to party with. I left her and my former boss Vicki at the casino at about 2:00am.

I woke up SO hung over this morning. I only had about six beers, but I only ate breakfast and lunch (the food provided at the work party was shite), so that explains my immense headache. I also think that the drunkeness fucked with my immune system because I am feeling sore throat-ish and horrible today. I dragged myself out of bed at about 9:00am and had to seek out the most fattening, greasy food I could find (a custard donut). I met up with Sares for some lunch and supposed Christmas shopping, but all I ended up buying was a big make-up set for myself. Ooops!

Things with Chris have been okay-ish. I got mad at him yesterday for no particular reason. I had a shitty day at work and he had been off all day watching the Ashes (cricket) and playing golf. I only had about half an hour to straighten my hair and apply new make up for the Christmas do, and when I got home he wasn't here and he was supposed to drop me at Delle's house so that I could get a lift into town. I apologised, but he is still being an ass today. We have both had bad headaches today - mine self induced and I wanted a low-key evening. He left for band practice at about 6:00 and promised to be back early. It's nearly 10:00 and no sign of him. He messaged me a while ago telling me that he would be back at around 8:00. He doesn't understand why I say that I feel like I am not his first priority - this is the perfect example. He consistently rates his friends above me.

Meh. I don't want this shit to get me down. I'm kind of used to it by now. I have hardly seen Chris since about Wednesday because I have been so busy at work. I'm just so over caring about it...

I have tomorrow off of work as well - I can't believe that I got a whole weekend off of work so close to Christmas, but it is back to the madness next week.

Oh and I have a myspace, so ya'll better add me! laura_dysphoria
No ED references please. Most of my friends know I have issues, but I don't like to remind them of that! http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=124820477
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