Well ... Video eeg and dumb rant

Sep 17, 2013 11:47

My brain is merely "misfiring" and the times I pushed the Event button during the eeg there was no abnormal brain activity.

According to the Neuro-doc I'm not having seizures, and thus do not have epilepsy. Talk about a blow.

The doctor also mis-interpreted my frustrated, stunned silence as being too dependant on Marne, and so sent her out of the room. I didn't want to answer her questions about continuing Lamictal-how has it been good, and have there been any side effects. I didn't have anything to say when she asked me about my twitching and stuff because if they aren't seizures then they are nothing. I just wanted to get the hell out of her office and not waste any more of her time.

Here I thought I finally have answers to this crap.

Nope, just mentally ill. Anxious, depressed, bouts of psychosis.
She pretty much said: "Work with your psychiatrist to get the best balance of meds to help you feel better."

Fuck it all.

Posted via LjBeetle
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