It is disgustingly sticky hot. Not right this minute, of course, but it just....has been. I laugh in the face of hundred degree days, but hundred degree days with 72% humidity (really?)is not fair. There are three things I want to post about, and they all involve television. That's a bit sad, but so it goes. I'll start with that popular television show involving time and space!
I am, of course, referring to Futurama.
Oh. Doctor Who? Yeah, I didn't watch it. I might catch up with it on DVD. I've been enjoying reading everyone else's reactions, but I think I'm still too bitter.
But Futurama is back! It's back! Hooray! The first episode "Rebirth" was a little weak because it tried to explain the ending of "Wild Green Yonder" which ended with everyone flying into a black hole. I like that the creators were trying to keep up with continuity, but it made the episode drag a little. I forgive it for the "Yes, it's a Comedy Central Network. And we're on it." shout out. Also, the Professor's "Who know? Oh, I do." recurring gag.
I'm also fairly happy that the show is allowing Fry and Leela to be together. Yayz! No cop outs or hand waving!
Ina-Gada-de-Leela (Matt Groening really likes riffing on that song, doesn't he?) was much better, with everything being established. Lots of fabulous one-liners ("I just wish I understood why? Why should I care?!" and "All death star's have one secret vulnerable weak point!") and the extremely long reveal at the very end. Also, they used Shag or Die. Well played, Futurama, well played.
I do kind of miss the really, really geeky jokes of the first season of Futurama, the ones that were basically meant to make about 7 people total laugh, but I'm sure when I buy these episodes on DVD, David X. Cohen will point out all the obscure nerdery. I'm very happy to have the show back. It seems a little amazing, this show that was cancelled what, 8 years ago?, managed to revive itself. I'm really happy I get more show, and I'm looking forward to new episodes. My first four season DVD's were getting a bit worn out.
Next up, Wherehouse 13 preview. As soon as I figure out where that preview DVD went. Hmm....