solies Well, everyone in the meeting agreed that I should have a raise.
Emma: but there were no managers there?
Solies: Actually there was no one but me.
Emma: Well come do a puzzle and feel better.
RECW: Is Qfoo Advanced running anywhere?
Solies: define anywhere.
REWC: Anywhere I can get to.
Solies: Yes.
REWC wanders off
Takis: How come no one went to my meeting. Oooooh, candy!
Solies: Hey! I went!
Takis: Okay, so I was late. Who else do we need?
Takis: Do we? I don't know.
Emma: What are you talking about?
Takis: Well, Lanna is assigned to the project.
Emma: Then you probably need her.
Takis wanders off and returns a few minutes later with RECW.
Takis: We have a room reserved but maybe we don't want to meet there?
Discussion of the project begins....and continues....
Solies: (privately to Emma) Get Lanna.
Emma: (via AIM) Your presence is requested and required outside my cube
Lanna: I'm there. (Lanna shows up.) What's up?
Emma: This is the Random Project meeting.
RECW: The new location of which is outside Emma's cube. For no particular reason.
And in a completely separate story...
The phone rings. Ring. Ring.
Emma: Hello.
Caller (obviously a young girl): May I speak to your mother or father?
Emma: I think I am, "your mother or father."
Caller: Huh! hangs up.
Emma: Hrm. That probably came out wrong.