Jun 02, 2005 13:11
Kit: Hey kid.
Emma: Hey Mr. Kit.
Kit: So, why aren't you in the meeting! I've been looking forward to it all day!
Emma: Didn't you get DaBoss's email?
Kit: Well, the meeting was never cancelled. Just 'cause DaBoss isn't here, doesn't mean the rest of us can't meet.
Emma: Go ahead. I'll catch up.
Kit: We can play more cool games like: Find the Policies Document on the Intranet, and Musical Jobs.
Emma: And my personal favorite: Whose doc is it Anyway?
Kit: And we can have prizes!
Emma: I have Kim Possible Commemorative Coins.
Kit: Thanks, don't mind if I do. (Takes coin and walks away whistling)
Solies: What was that?
Emma: The best meeting ever!
Phil: No meeting today?
Emma: Didn't you get the memo?
Phil: Well, yeah, but I though you might have one anyway and stage a coup or something.
Emma: Do I do that often?
Phil: If you did, you wouldn't need to now.