May 23, 2005 15:46
Phil: So this week the Night Patrol has stepped up their efforts. In addition to turning off my office light, they left me a note.
Wanda: Oh, I got one of those too.
Emma: What, like a post-it "Turn off the light, idiot!"?
Phil: No it was typed, and on something that looked like a seating table assignment card.
Wanda: Mine too. It said, "PLEASE SHUT OFF THE TASK LIGHT WHEN YOU LEAVE. It will conserve energy and reduce costs.
Solies: (comes running) What's the shouting about?
Phil: She wasn't shouting. That's really what it said. In all caps and big type.
Emma: I haven't gotten any of those.
Phil: The funny thing is how much those typed notes must have cost. I priced the small ones out when we had a party and they were a pretty penny, all things considered. You have to wonder how much they think they'll save in electricity, if they can buy those with the savings.
Wanda: Maybe they had some left over from classroom training?
Emma: Or maybe you people have missed the salient point here. I leave my lights on, and I haven't gotten one.
Phil: They're afraid of your candy bowl.
Wanda: Yeah, you almost certainly spend more in candy than they spend on the electricity your light uses.
Emma: So?
Solies: So, what if you decide that if you can't have light because it's too expensive, the rest of the office can't have candy because it's too expensive. Then productivity plummets. It's what's called a "false savings." This is economics, Emma! I know it's hard for you because it's based on this thing called M-A-T-H.
Emma: So instead of leaving a 12 cent note and turning my light off, they're just going to turn off my light. And that won't irritate me at all?
Phil: Actually, the note doesn't irritate me at all. I stole some stickers from my children to decorate it and am using it as a paperweight.
Wanda: A very light paperweight.
Phil: And that's recycling. Very cost efficient!
Solies: And so everyone is happy!