They Live

May 08, 2009 08:47

After emailing him, I haven’t heard anything from Duff about a possible visit this weekend. I think it’s been 3 weeks since his last visit I really don’t remember.

In their usual spastic non-linear method of renovating, the contractors have put a base coat in the bathroom while still leaving the windows and electrical stuff unfinished. So I washed my hair in the kitchen sink this morning. I was told that they are going to paint the living room this weekend which is super inconvenient but really who freaking knows what they’re actually going to do?

If my apartment were a supercollider, the contractors would be one of those sub-atomic particles that you couldn’t predict where it was or how fast. Wait a minute, particles don’t work that way, you can actually predict one or the other just not both. Ok if my apartment were Schrodinger’s box, the contractors would be the cat. You wouldn’t know whether they…no that doesn’t work either. OK so the contractors don’t follow the laws of physics as we know it nor do they have any sort of human logical thought process. That can only mean one thing. The contractors aren’t human at all. David Icke and Whitley Streiber were right. Aliens are living right here among us and for some reason they’re currently renovating my apartment.

They must be the lizard people because they’re not good looking enough to be from the Pleiades and they don’t seem interested in my reproductive organs like the Greys would be. Funny thing is the lizard people control the government so why are they working on my apartment as common laborers’? Maybe they’re Mexican lizard people. I’m going to keep an eye on them.

In other news it’s Friday but for some reason I don’t feel relieved. I feel an aura of tension and stress in the air. Here at work I feel work stress but for some reason I feel a kind of weird weekend stress in my near future. Perhaps it’s because I don’t feel like I have any place of my own where I can relax right now.


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