Editorial - Hypocrisy and egotism

Mar 06, 2008 20:38

So, I figure the word Editorial would sorta give people a clue that this is an article about what I think. I'm basically just gonna rant for this one; If you want to read it be my guest, but if I say anything sorta harsh I apologize. I want to try sitting down and writing something and however it comes out, well.. thats what I leave it as.

Anyway, I just felt like writing something about things I've been noticing recently. You don't have to agree with my opinion, feel free to argue back lol.

So yeah. Hypocrisy (not to be confused with hippo crazy) is one thing, along with egotism i've been noticing coming out a lot. So has sarcasm, but it's part of the hypocrisy thing to me (because although i do it, i hate it.)

Anyway, the long and short of it is I'm annoyed with how our society has gotten. I swear all it is becoming is a population of hypocrites, egotistical arrogant bastards and whatever. I mean, really. Has our vanity progressed that far to where we think we're better than everyone else?

This comes to mind in a lot of ways to me; The hypocrisy in the first way: So many people complain about things and then end up doing the things themselves later. I mean really, come on. And maybe I'm bitching because it's partially me doing it. I dunno. I think people need to stop being so judgemental and look at what's really going on, and or walk a mile in other peoples' shoes. It's sort of ridiculous the intolerance from person to person that I hear every day. Bottom line? People need to think more about other people and what they think than themselves.

(Ironically since this is an editorial of some sort, I'm basically saying what I think... fuck!)

Which brings me to Egotism. And I'll tie in vanity with that a little bit only because I think the two are somewhat related. Does everyone else thing that they're better than everyone else, and has to stress that fact? Do you HAVE to be right in a conversation? Do you NEED to be the most important? The one talking all the time? Asserting that You get YOUR way because you say so? and do YOU need to always be in Captial Letters???

I keep seeing things that I guess I could relate to egotism. Granted not all of the time is it really egotism that's driving the issue, but it makes it seem that way. Okay, take me for example.

I wear this, well, I'm sure most of you have seen it. My blue trench, which i think is cool. To be brutally honest, I could give less of a fuck if you don't like it, I'm wearing it because I like it. Reason enough, yes? I'm not trying to think I'm like... better than anyone with it, or how I act, but I feel like it's cool, and I like wearing is. So... yeah!

So am I egotistical? Sure; but i don't think I'm a better person than anyone else. Sometimes I assert that I'm right in an argument though, and refuse to admit I'm wrong. We all do that, in some ways, but at least from me, I'm getting tired of it. Aren't you (from yourselves i mean lol)?

But I mean, not naming names, I do have friends who seem to take egotism to a large level from time to time (or sometimes all the time!!!). And I mean they could be people (and if you think it's you, don't, because i'm referring to several people really, and or just people in general) that I see every day, and, truthfully, LIKE to be around. Well, sometimes i just can't take it, and I get pissed off. Why? Because I don't like feeling like you're trying to assert that you're a better person than me, or are above me in some way. I don't get that.

Its interesting enough analyzing my own ego, because a lot of times it's with my playing more than anything. I'll argue people (and sometimes it's really harsh) that they, well, suck, and in my opinion they do. But in a sense I do look for the good things and am way more likely to say the good things than even say the bad.

But do I, as a person, assert myself as better than other people? Well, I try not to. I've been struggling with that this year I think. I want to be, I dunno, a person with a personality that I'm trying to develop, which is difficult, sure, but my point is I'm trying to shape myself into whom I want to be. The difficult thing though, is not being a complete asshole. Sometimes I'd let that get away from me, and it led me to, well, quite a few apologies. But i mean do i want to be better than others? no. Do i want to at least have some qualities that make me individual? Hell yes!

You people (well, a few people actually) are like WTF is wrong with you, why aren't you going to prom? Why won't you go to homecoming? BLAH BLAH FUCKING BLAH. Can you accept the fact I'm different? That I'd rather do something else? I mean seriously. It's not TOO hard of an idea to wrap your minds around. If you have trouble accepting the idea some people DON'T HAVE SCHOOL SPIRIT LIKE THE REST OF YOU, then how can you imagine someone believing in a different god?

Scary. Egotism says: What the fuck is wrong with you?

Logic, of course, tells me that no one who reads this would actually have that problem, but I've met people who do. And of course, I'm going out on a limb here, but can you PUT YOUR EGOS IN CHECK LONG ENOUGH TO REALIZE THESE THINGS:

1. There are different people in this world, and if you can't learn to live and let live, then you're not going to have an easy time in the coming years.

2. YOU DON"T HAVE TO BE RIGHT ALL THE TIME. Stop correcting people when they make a mistake in rude ways, stop asserting that when you make a mistake it wasn't your fault. People, I'm sick of it!!!

3. You're not better than anyone else. I realize this has probably come from the school system (and how competitive it has to be now to get where you want). Sure maybe you're better at CERTAIN THINGS, but not better as a person. So don't tell people "Get out of my seat" or tell them they suck at things all the time. Realize instead that maybe there's a certain trait you have that's better, and that maybe although they have a good trait that is similar, and maybe it doesn't rub the right way with you, they're not lacking in that category.

4. Stop... being fucking egotistical!

5. Learn to TAKE advice and consider it, not reject it at the start thinking that "Oh, i'm better than this, I don't need to think about it." BULLSHIT. You don't become automatically smarter by being more experienced, older, etc. I HATE logic like that. That and sexism; Guys face it, WOMEN AREN"T BELOW YOU, THEY'RE NOT OBJECTS, AND IF YOU TREAT THEM THAT WAY YOU SERIOUSLY NEED HELP. But bottom line? Sure a 5 year old telling you something may not be as credible as a college professor telling you, but listen to them none-the-less.

6. If you can't stop, if you have no control over it, well the other people are way ahead of you. It's gonna cause you problems later in life.

So long story short, that's my rant. I'd love comments of any sort; criticism, agreement, whatever. I'm mostly writing these just to throw out some of the things I've been thinking about, and it's not to rant about people and things they're doing to me (Sure there are things, but thats not the reason), but also the things I see in myself.

A lot of it, I think, is the age, where we think we're "too cool" to listen to what our parents say. Sure, you think that, but at least listen to SOMEONE rather than only yourself. I listen to everything, and although I hate to admit when someone else is right, I try to most of the time.

But I'll get into other things later. So yeah, any comments? Just leave 'em at the door.

hypocrisy, egotism, editorial, society

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