Dear Stargate fandom,
please stfu.
First point:
The reason Chloe was crying? Was because she just saw her father die of asphyxiation. She's human! She's going to react that way. It doesn't make her a crybaby.
Second point: None of the Stargate shows besides Infinity are family shows! First version of Children of the Gods had Sha're naked and having a Goa'uld going into her neck. SG-1 also had rape, death, torture, and violence. Atlantis had in its first episode ALIENS SUCKING THE LIFE OUT OF PEOPLE that reminds me too much of what Cell did in DBZ and it still squicks me and I'm twenty and one getting stabbed through the stomach.
If you're so concerned about what your children watch, why the fuck are you letting them watch Stargate?! Yes, my father got me into it when I was eleven, but I've also watched Stephen King's IT when I was three, so I'm not exactly normal.
Third point: Nicholas Rush is the kind of guy who puts science above everything, including things like shaving or eating. On the Destiny, they don't have all of the little things we take for granted like razors so he's not going to be keeping himself nice and tidy because you don't like stubble. Look at how Robert Carlyle looks right now. THAT'S HOW RUSH IS GOING TO LOOK NEAR THE END OF THE SEASON. You better fucking get used to it or just stop watching the show. :|
Fourth point: The sex scene. See my second point for some things and then come back here when you're done. Okay? Now that you're back, I'm going to mention how stupid it is to be freaked out by them having sex. People have sex. We know this! They didn't pull an HBO on us with an over the top sex scene. It wasn't as horrible as you made it out to be. It was short and kinda hilarious.
Fifth point: The BSG comparisons. Seriously, did you watch the same show I did? Nin and I were watching it together and going " you see anything resembling BSG?" "No." As somebody who has seen Battlestar Galactica, I didn't see anything resembling the show besides the ship battles, but they stole that from Firefly.
Dear dad,
The people aren't happy being on the ship because it's a flying deathtrap. People usually don't like that and being tossed across the universe. They usually aren't like you or Dr. Rush, so stop bashing the show. :|