You know I'm insane when I decide to write an app for AU Liquid Snake over at Econtra while in the middle of packing. I'm honestly glad for the distraction though. Writing a history for a man who had all of his friends brutally slaughtered by his evil British twin brother and then pushed off a Metal Gear makes me feel better about my situation. (I should change his journal name to
bootedoffrex or something because AU Snake likes pushing him off tall objects.)
Have to bring my car in later so it doesn't die in the middle of southern Texas. (Current plan is to take I-75 to I-10 to I-40 to whatever the hell we need to take in Los Angeles to get to the 101 and drive up from there. Dad's estimation is that we're leaving on Saturday and getting there either late Monday night or midday Tuesday.) Mom's still being a bitch, but Dad's been awesome and actually called her on it and pretty much went off on her. I need to call back the storage place and get a climate controlled 5x5 spot before they're all gone. Rob quit smoking, so he's going through withdrawal and being a gigantic asshole to everybody. GOOD IDEA MOM, FORCE HIM TO QUIT RIGHT BEFORE I MOVE.
And porn day's today over at
fissionmailed. So far it looks like I'm going to be having some Flemming/AcidSnake and going to try for some Gene/Solidus. I'll have to talk to the Sorrow player and see if I can't bring Liquid back early so he can get his ass kicked by Snake and go hide somewhere so he can think about this whole situation.
EDIT: Dropping Master Miller, leg!Solidus, Toon Liquid over at FM. Don't know if I should drop Toon Otacon, but I'll have to talk to Athena.