Tue, 20:23: I hope Chetney is only for the winter bc that would be the trolliest of moves to kill another old man off again. Giving that VM score a run for the money FROM THE INSIDE 🤣 https://t.co/QwGb2kK28c
Wed, 03:48: RT @ AshiaMonet: Creators *need* to be self-indulgent because if you aren’t, you’ll end up making something that is technically correct in e…
Wed, 03:48: RT @ poke_m0m: You ever wanna just burn 19 hours and watch the LOTR and Hobbit trilogies in one sitting or is it just me
Wed, 03:58: RT @ RBReich: Maybe it’s just me, but after 800,000 U.S. COVID deaths, I don’t think Time should give their Person of the Year award to some…