I call this one Mama.

May 11, 2005 22:16

So I'm updating my LJ. To continue from my last entry, my punishments for a certain crime against humanity were such:


The bad: I wasn't allowed to do anything outside of the house except for filming for two weeks.

The okay: But I could have people over so it wasn't too bad.

This ended on May 6.


The bad: For the rest of the school year, my curfew is ten.

The worse: If I don't get my English grade up to a ninety-five by the end of the school year, my curfew stays at ten for the rest of the summer.

The hard: If I do get my English grade up to a ninety-five, my curfew is eleven for the summer. Current English grade = 87.


The bad: I can only go out on night per weekend. The other two nights I can't go out at all.

The cool: I can stay over at someone's house on that one night.

The cooler: I can have people over on the other two days.


So that's the story at this point. I've pretty much accepted it, although I don't think it's completely reasonable. I'm not going to bitch about it though. This journal has been relatively angst-free since it's start in 2004 and I plan to keep it that way.

Other News

I'm in Carolyn's one act and it's going to ROCK. Our shows are on Friday and Saturday and everyone should come see me, Craig, Karin Krish, and Jenna being totally sweet in a parody of "The Glass Menagerie". It's called "For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls".


Star Wars is next Thursday. Holy shit, I am so pumped. So pumped I am going to explode. Amazing.


We had auditions for Poor Lazarus. Nick was taking notes on people's projections. I managed to achieve the note "Loud, mentally weak". I think that is a braggable achievement.

Carolyn had to go home sick so I didn't get to do my play in acting today. Oh well. I'm sure it will be fine for us to do it tomorrrow. I'm not sure how it's going to go but I sure hope it works out well. This paragraph is all about the play I'm directing in acting class called "Arabian Nights" by David Ives. It is a sweet play but unfortunately we haven't had enough rehearsal time.

After Carolyn's rehearsal after school, me, Jenna, and Carolyn went and bought drinks and a few cards. Like hallmark type cards, but not by hallmark. They were incredible cards. If you're ever at my house ask me to show you my cards. Also, if you want some incredible cards of your own, you can go to Brooks right next to Price Chopper and go to the end of the card aisle closest to the back of the store.

At the film shoot, there was a scheduling mix-up and Rebecca got super pissed and yelled at everybody including me and Roney who hadn't actually done anything. It ended up being cool but things were pretty heated. Everything is on tape in the behind the scenes footage which rocks. We didn't end up getting to shoot anything but it was still an interesting time.

The End

So that's all for now.
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