Been quiet lately, ne?
Thanks to everyone going into panic-mode because of Microsoft ditching XP, my father and the resident computer-person at work talked me into installing Win 7 on my (beloved but ancient) computer and of course, getting almost everything back the way I want it and getting my (even more ancient) Word 2003 to cooperate with Win 7 has been a hassle (I admit that the Win Updating Assistant told me beforehand that I couldn't keep my version of Word but I tried it anyway. AND I WON!). Getting Winamp to behave was almost as bad. And since we did the change from XP to 7 at work only two weeks earlier and my bosses and colleagues are not exactly what you'd call computer savvy (not even the one girl who's younger than me) work has been stressful lately (in a lawyer's office we work with programs that are tailored to our requirements that "normal" people have probably not even heard of; mostly this is software for accounting, banking and databases so we don't have to find the actual physical paper record if the boss wants to know what he wrote in a case back in 2004; and updating these programs and getting them to play nice together properly again has been quite a piece of work. It still is, actually ><;;). At least now I also have a new harddisk with a few hundred GBs for even moar mp3s! thanks to my own paranoia because I insisted on making a dual-boot installation with Win 7 on its own physical internal harddisk.
So, lately I haven't been watching much anime. Right now I only watch two series religiously: Kamigami no Asobi and Knights of Sidonia.
I really have to say that I sort of dreaded the adaption of KamiAso because since Hakuouki they botched almost every otoge anime. OK, with the possible exception of Brothers Conflict. I like BroCon because they managed to make it not all about Ema despite having only 12 episodes and a visibly tight budget (most of it which probably went to the seiyuu *lol*); I was sure they would ditch the Azusa - Tsubaki - Seiyuu-job conflict but thankfully, they kept it! I just think it's a pity that they didn't animate the Iori-storyline but then, that'd probably have been too much drama for a single anime-season *lol*. I'm still sort of angry when I think about what they could have done with Anmesia (such a great story! Such a waste!). And, frankly, I didn't even watch Diabolik Lovers. As I once told
piratelicker, I'm too much of a do-S myself to stand the Sakamaki brothers. I prefer the Asahina-ones *lol*.
As I said, I'm pleasantly surprised by KamiAso and I think Toth is the best thing ever (and I love his not exactly flattering nicknames for his fellow gods *lol*). It's funny but has enough drama to keep it from falling into the slapstick-trap, the heroine isn't a total doormat and I'm so looking forward to the Loki episode (whenever it will appear). And I love Hades. I think he is such a cutie *ducks rotten tomatoes*. =P
Knights of Sidonia, however, was a given anyway. The computer animation is quite good, you barely notice it. I really need to read the manga *adds it to her list of manga-to-check-out*
...because she has an UTI. I knew it could happen with cats, too, but while in female cats it's usually not life-threatening, it's still not pleasant and in the evening it go so bad she barely even left the litter-box anymore, which in turn got Plushy very nervous. We concluded we had to drive her to the emergency vet and the vet on duty for our county this weekend was out in the sticks, half an hour away. But while we could have brought the Diva to the animal hospital to Munich, chances were that we would have to wait in a room full of ill dogs, cats and possibly screaming parrots (had it happen before) so we went to the country vet who gave her antibiotics, two infusions and a painkiller (she also told us that our poor little Diva is too fat and really has to lose weight :( Poor, poor Diva). Today she is, thankfully, much better. Still, it was quite awful.
Sorry, no bonus!Plushy today. Maybe next time. Maybe with the Eurovision posting that's on the way ;)