Corda, a pandemic and tarot cards. Ha.

Apr 26, 2009 23:06

Why are all my Corda d'Oro skins techy? I wish I knew. It looks like it's the same phenomenon at work as with the Loveless skins...

So. Etou Kiriya from Corda d'Oro Secondo Passo. I don't really like him but I liked the image.

And that's what I've been doing recently when I wasn't studying (and I HATE HATE HATE machine tools like burning >o<) or reading a) Fire Candy, b)assorted works of Tanaka Meca or c) Yellow Hearts. And yes, that's two manga by Yonekura Kengo and if you don't know who she is, don't bother. You really don't want to know.

Yes, I know, I probably sound cranky but it has nothing to do with online-life or psychodramas-disguised-as-hentai. It has more to do with the fact that on Friday I wrote the final test of this term and probably botched it, not because I can't translate but because I CAN'T READ! And this is the subject where I would have needed only one more A to get an A for the semester. AAARGH! *kicks self*

Other funny things - the PANDEMIC! Half of my family lives in Mexico City but when my Dad talked to them this afternoon they didn't seem too concerned. My uncle was just happy that the drug gangs are total cowards and their members stopped lingering in front of the cash machine on the corner. And the rest of my family lives in Puebla or Veracruz and they obviously think that this is a Mexico D.F. exclusive thing. Oh, and my aunt, husband and cousins are in Spain, on holiday and they are a lot more concerned than the people closer to the epicentre, so to speak.

Also, I just got reminded that on April 26, 1986 Chernobyl exploded, covering half of Europe in radioactive dust which is still there and still dangerous (they tell people not to eat any mushrooms from the forests but of course, people don't listen and have been ignoring this since around 1990).

Um... yeah, fun times. I think I will go and fullfill a tarot-card related request now and then maybe make a list of songs to upload, preferably Mizrahit and Greek pop. And not think about that darn test last Friday! ;_;

winskins, rl, school

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