
Feb 19, 2006 15:28

Someone sent me a gmail invitation (hm... do you still need them at all? I've no idea O_o) and I talked with my linux-lover buddy Olli (you know, the one who refuses to use anything that is not GNU and open source) and he immediately sent me to this URL, informing me that by using Gmail I'd basically invite the FBI to my home. I don't know if I think this is amusing or not. I mean, they do have a point. But them, I'm primarily using Hotmail and while I'm aware that any government related agencies might read my mails, I can't say that I care. What's currently afloat in my inbox is only whiny fanbrat-mails, insisting that I teach them how to make winamp skins (do they really think I have nothing better to do than trying to explain skinning to people who don't even know what Photoshop is and how to read a FAQ?), amusing flamewars discussions from various animanga-related mailing lists and the LJ comments I should eventually reply to (*cough*). Nothing interesting. And, I mean, what is safe? Sure, I could use my address (yes, it does exist) but I'm too lazy to log in and set up Thunderbird or whatever might work. But to what use? To receive the same stuff that I get in my Hotmail inbox? Only, that this time I pay for the bandwidth? And I couldn't use it when I'm not home (heck, even when I'm just not at my own computer). No thanks, that's too much hassle for nothing.

Just one week to the holidays *_*. And on Wednesday there's the foreign economy test and I didn't learn anything yet. No, I rather spent my time doing useless stuff like... skinning. Sorry, Usi, it's not Chiho Saito yet. But I'm working on it!

No, I have no excuse for skinning him yet again. But at least it's not blue... ^^;;

Well, it's the first skin of the year and it's, well, somewhat pretty. I've had the base almost finished for a few weeks but couldn't get myself to actually work on it until yesterday. There is still something in this skin that irks me but I can't quite put a finger on it. Well, I guess it's the next one's gonna be blue again ^.~

Gaaaah... must... find... something... to... eat. NOW!

winskins, computer

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