(no subject)

Sep 14, 2005 23:37

Last weekend was good. On the Friday Dianna and I went to see One Way Letter. And we did, and it was fun. Before we went to the show though, we went to play put put gulf. It was Dianna's first time playing, ever. It was a lot of a good time. We only got to go to a kind of below par (haha golf joke) course. We've got to go to a better one. One Way Letter was great. The new guitarist is really good too. They finally played "Burn Down The City" for us and it was great. I still can't believe they finally did it. Before OWL played we saw Edric and Josie there. They decided it would be a good idea to go to the park for a bit, and it was a good idea. We played tag and had dance parties in the parking lot with The Faint and Tilly and the Wall. There were also umbrellas and road cones involved. Good times.

The next day, Saturday for those of you who don't know, was pretty great too. We first went to Nick's new apartment, which is actually really nice. Then we went to pick a love seat, and we did...and i help him carry it up three flights of stairs...and it wasn't a good time. I'm so absolutely weak. It's terrible. Anyway, so after that Nick had to go to work so we dropped him off there and went on to meet Josie and Edric again. We met them at Barns and Nobles. We hung out with them for a while until it was time to go to the next show. We got to see The Umbrellas. They were really fun.

Ok, but here's the funny part. An Angle was playing with The Pillows, and we found out about the show the night before. So we were like, "Hey, let's all wear Bright Eyes shirts to the An Angle show. It'll be funny." So we did, and I actually got to take a picture of him with Dianna and Edric who both had on Bright Eyes shirts. It was great. We didn't actually stay around for the show though.

In other new...AP English is killing me. I'm making a good grade in there, but there is just so much homework i don't know how to handle it. I have to read a novel, i have to read, do not cards on, and present (one of the), several "short stories" everyday for the next couple weeks or so; i have to start the research paper on my novel, before i even finish it, and i have to start another research paper tomorrow on some sort of soil bullshit.....blah...........

I'm taking a photography class for the next few weeks. It'll be fun. I've only had one class so far, but i think it'll be good. I get to work with dark room stuff.

Now, back to reading...
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