Oh fate, how you mock me so! /drama

May 04, 2010 21:27

Urraghhh, bigbangnitro , where were you two years ago when I totally would have been on you like white on rice??

I mean, it doesn't even really make sense that I'm all "bawww" about this, because I'm close to finishing the vampire AU, and I was intending to include a fanmix and Xpyne's fanart anyway...so it's not like I'm really missing out, other than, you ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

ro_anshi May 5 2010, 04:29:51 UTC
Yeah, I'm feeling kinda the same way myself. "Gosh, I wonder if I can resurrect any of those great plotbunnies from a couple years ago...." Um, no.


soliandxpyne May 5 2010, 04:53:28 UTC
Aw man, I hear you. I had such unnecessarily elaborate grand plans at one time...but then there was some wank, and Tokyopop has been so horrifically slow, boo.


(The comment has been removed)

soliandxpyne May 6 2010, 02:33:25 UTC
O, ino rite? Too much gay, takin' all my time... DDD:

rthjjhgf that icon lmfao


eyesofshinigami May 5 2010, 12:30:43 UTC
Totally right there with you. :/ I'm going to go ahead and give 7thnight a try, but we'll see how that works out.

But it's good to hear that you've almost got your Vampire AU finished! I bet that's exciting!

I also miss you. ♥ We haven't talked in ages! I shall have to remedy that as soon as I get back from vaycay. I miss your faces liek woah. *snugs*


soliandxpyne May 6 2010, 02:39:20 UTC
Argh, yes, we haven't talked in FOREVER. ::grabby hands:: I'm glad that you've been able to get out and about and have fun, though. I'm trying to savesavesave because omg I haven't even gotten to tell you WTF I'M MOVING TO NEW YORK. :DDD so excited and terrified at the same time, you don't even know!

Uwahh, so close on the vampire thing I can taste it, I just need a handful of scenes more. >n< ::huff huff:: It's only, like, 27,000 words right now and it feels like I've written SO MUCH for it, but at the same time I'm like "30,000 words is nothing, it's hardly a story unless it's double that!" lolol I'm crazy...I think I also blame all the huge-ass stories in the Trek fandom for giving me word-count anxiety.


eyesofshinigami May 8 2010, 13:35:14 UTC
Fweee! I'm glad that you finally decided to go ahead and do it. :D You'll definitely have to relay the sitch to me as soon as possible. I'll be home Sunday night, if you'd be up for a chat! ♥

I am also getting spoiled on long stories. I've been reading an absurd amount of K/S fanfic (go figure) and man, them bitches can WRITE. Holy cow. Though, is it wrong that I skip over a good many because they all have the same basic plot? Come on guys, there's more to Star Trek than Pon Farr and hurt/comfort, amirite?

I saw your comment to despina_moon. ;_; We're planning on going to YCon anyway, but it won't be the same without you there! Not to mention, my friend Skittlez is coming.

I'm so, so happy for you going out there! Even if it means you won't be able to visit me any time soon. Woe.

♥♥ Hope to talk to you soon!


kirathaune May 5 2010, 13:30:50 UTC
I'm kinda on the opposite end of that stick: blinding panic - "FIFTEEN THOUSAND WORDS???!! The most I've been able to cough up so far is SIX!"

I was saying to Mosh the other day that I feel like I met some of you guys in the "foyer" of the Saiyuki fandom - I was taking my coat off while you guys were putting yours on...

And that makes me a little sad, since it was all of those lovely fics (hers, yours and others') that got me into this fandom, has me writing pr0n for the first time in my middle-aged life and let me "meet" such wonderful people!


soliandxpyne May 6 2010, 02:54:41 UTC
Lol, I've found I have a big double-standard going where fic length is concerned. Looking at all the Saiyuki stuff I've written so far, it's pretty much all 2000-3500 words; yet when I'm looking for fic to read, it's always like, "Word count 9500? Aw man, so short!"

Oi, this metaphor seems both apt and a little depressing. :( I'd like to hang around the fandom, because this is the first one Xpyne and I were ever really a big part of, but it's hard when life is so full of distractions ♥♥♥


whymzycal May 5 2010, 14:04:41 UTC


soliandxpyne May 6 2010, 03:00:14 UTC
Wahhh, you don't even know~ (though I'm sure you do). Being "in" fandom has been hard for so long, it's disgusting lol lately because of life-plan-doordie-wtfareyoudoingwithyourself type stuff, bleh. But possibly once I move away from Xpyne at the end of summer, you guys will see me around some more, as I will have no one else for fandom fagging! :O


whymzycal May 6 2010, 03:05:35 UTC


soliandxpyne May 6 2010, 03:20:51 UTC


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