To waste $40, or to not waste $40...

Mar 24, 2010 11:37

GelaSkins are these nifty little protective decal-type deals the little sister discovered a few years back.  You can get them for a whole slew of electronic/media devices.  Xpyne recently got one for her newly acquired iPod, and loves it. ("It makes me so happy.")  The little sister has been treating herself to a new one yearly for a while now.

I don't really use my tiny iPod nano enough for me to feel as though I need one (plus, my ipod's already a charmingly eye-searing shade of hot pink which I adore).  BUT.  But they also make skins for laptops, and I do use mine incessantly quite often, and am a bit taken by this one, as I do indeed use my computer practically exclusively for writing.

What to do, what to do... The price (especially after shipping) is a bit steep for what ultimately amounts to a stickum picture (I mean, why not just print out whatever picture I want, and spend $4 at Kinko's to laminate it, then tape it onto my laptop, right? lol), but I don't mind spending money on something I know I'll get a lot of enjoyment out of.  Let's not forget that I'm the crazy bitch who considers that non-working model .38 Sanzo-gun to be the best [insert horrific amount of money here] dollars I've ever spent...

Oh, who am I kidding?  I'll probably be buying the damn thing tomorrow as soon as I get my paycheck.
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