Sherlock Holmes movie, yuletide_smut, and drabbles

Dec 27, 2009 13:09


He stumbled through the front door around three with all the exaggerated care of a man drunk off his ass, but it still didn’t keep him from kicking the corner of the sofa on his way through the living room.  It hurt like a bitch--he figured Hakkai would call it something like ‘karma’--and Gojyo rolled over the back of the piece of furniture to land face-first against the cushions.

There was no point in waking Hakkai to get help with finding any of the extra blankets; he’d just get that mildly disappointed look from the other man that somehow managed to make him feel ten times worse than if Hakkai had just let loose and yelled at him or something.

He wasn’t sure how much later, whether it’d been five hours or five minutes, but when he next opened his eyes it was to Hakkai gently prodding him from the couch.

“Hey,” the redhead mumbled, disoriented, “I was sleepin’ there.  I mean, not sleepin’, but I was gonna...”

“Yes, Gojyo?”

“I forget,” he admitted, and let the man drag him toward his bedroom.  “What time izit?”

“Time for bed,” Hakkai assured him.  That was good enough for Gojyo.

“I’dda been fine,” the half-demon found it necessary to insist.  “On the couch.”

“Mm, but it makes for such an eyesore, when we have company.”

‘Company?’ Gojyo wondered, startled.  Who the hell did they ever--  “Shit!” he exclaimed, “Sanzo ‘n the monkey?  That’s tomorrow??”

“Today, rather,” Hakkai informed him dryly as he peeled the taller male from his jacket and socks.  Gojyo’s pants were next, and he felt himself flush when Hakkai reached for his fly--thank god it was dark in the bedroom.  Hakkai didn’t seem to think anything of it, though, so Gojyo figured he shouldn’t, either.

“I’m sure Sanzo would agree,” the brunet continued, pushing Gojyo to the mattress and earning a disgruntled dragon-type noise from the bed’s other occupant, “that as far as dropping by goes, after expressly giving advance notice, then arriving to find you sprawled drunk and half-naked across the sofa, once was more than enough.”


Something special for Hakkai’s birthday, that’s all he’d been aiming for.  Something nice, that would show the other man he appreciated having a clean house, clean laundry, someone to fill the silence at home with, when he got tired of the bar and the card-playing and the women who were just looking for a bed to hop into or a wallet to sink their claws into, and who really didn’t interest Gojyo as much as they used to.

Making breakfast had seemed like a good idea at the time, but then again, a lot of his less-than-brilliant ideas started out that way.  The bacon was charred and the rice was over-cooked.  The eggs looked passable, but Gojyo realized in the midst of trying to clean up a little that half of an eggshell was unaccounted for.

Right as the panic was starting to set in--shit, what had he been thinking? and was it too late to dump it all down the...?--Hakkai stepped into the kitchen with a wary look on his face.  His glasses were askew and his sweater half tucked in, his hair sticking up a little in the back, and Gojyo knew he was staring, but it wasn’t often he saw the other man so...not put-together.

“Oh,” Hakkai said suddenly, and he blinked very slowly, as if not quite certain he was seeing what he thought he was.  “That’s was the smell was.”

Gojyo looked away quickly, his face feeling hot.  “Yeaaah...” he drawled awkwardly, “sorry about that.”  He glanced down at all that food and wondered if there was any possible way he could play it off, some flip remark about bachelor grub for himself, or practicing his domestic skills on Hakuryuu or some shit when he heard a chair scrape across the floor.  Gojyo turned, and saw Hakkai sitting at the dining table, watching him expectantly.

“Thank you,” Hakkai said with a genuine smile.  Hell if Gojyo could figure why, the food was gonna probably be awful and they both knew it.  “It looks like quite a bit, though.  Will you join me?” the brunet asked, and Gojyo guessed if he expected Hakkai to eat his cooking, the least he could do was help the guy out.

“Um, yeah, sure,” he replied, surprised.  “Just let me, uh...”  He wiped his hands on his pants and piled up two plates.  Even though he knew Hakkai was humoring him, because he was too polite like that, he couldn’t help the stupid grin of relief that tugged at his mouth.

Afterward Gojyo washed the dishes, not because he particularly wanted to, but because he knew if he left them in the sink, Hakkai would do them as soon as he turned his back.

“I really do appreciate the trouble you went though here, Gojyo,” Hakkai told him, smiling warmly with his hands folded atop the table.  “Ah...but perhaps for the kitchen’s sake, once a year is sufficient.”


gojyo/hakkai, drabble

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