It burns like 'Crucio.'

Apr 17, 2009 18:39

Xpyne: (finishes (loudly) watching the third or fourth Avatar: The Last Airbender parody video in a row on youtube)

Soli:  Arg, it's too freaking hot in here, I'm going out to the living room!  ::unplugs her laptop and flounces off::

Xpyne:  Fine!  I just won't try to talk to you anymore! T ^T

Soli:  Well it's kind of hard to write when you're being so noisy!  You're the one who kept whining at me to write, so I'm writing.  I'm almost done, jeez!  I'm on the last scene--you know the last scene is the most critical one.  A crappy ending is enough to ruin a whole story!

Xpyne: ...Did you just say "Harry Potter?"


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