Drabble, and something along the lines of "how do I get myself into these things?"

Jul 22, 2008 10:22


Sanzo stepped out of the bathroom toweling his hair dry, so it took him a moment to notice Goku there, shirtless and with one shoe off, a determined expression on his face, and when he did, the monk promptly took a large step backward.

His attempt to slam the bathroom door shut was thwarted when Goku grabbed the edge of it and held tight.

“Sanzo!” he grunted as they struggled with one another, Sanzo putting his shoulder into it and Goku managing to wedge his foot between the door and frame, “You can’t stay in there forever!”

“I can stay in here until that bottomless pit you call a stomach gets the better of you, and you’ve eaten all that shit you brought into my room,” the blond countered.

“But you promised I could--” and Sanzo didn’t even want to hear the rest of that sentence, because last he’d checked, three months of “maybe later”s did not constitute a promise in any way, shape or form.

“Are you out of your mind?” he demanded.

Goku, by this time, had finally squeezed through the door and grabbed him around the wrist--this would be the one time he had neglected to bring his harisen to the bath with him--to coax him back out into the bedroom.  Sanzo was loath to admit that with this newly sexual aspect to their relationship, even Goku was smart enough to have caught onto the fact that whining didn’t get him anywhere nearly as quickly as his tongue down the monk’s throat did.

Before it was all over, Sanzo’s body had played serving platter to two kinds of chocolate sauce, four kinds of mochi, and at least half a dozen different types of canned fruit.  He drew the line, however, at the ice cream.

His arms folded behind his head, the blond exhaled slowly, watching as the cigarette smoke drifted lazily toward the ceiling.

“Finally got that out of your system?” he sneered, glancing down at the brunet head wedged into the crook of his neck.  Goku was silent for a long moment, apparently thinking, and Sanzo supposed there was a first time for everything.

“Nope,” he answered finally as he sucked his own fingers clean, his tongue lapping at the webbing between, and the blond tried to tell himself that he was most decidedly not staring.

“But you can ask me again later, Sanzo, after we do this a couple more times,” Goku offered thoughtfully with a shrug.  “Maybe then.”


*wapish!*  Back to work, Soli! >:O

rl, sanzo/goku, drabble

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