K/S Valentine

Feb 22, 2012 01:08

The world is against me! haha well, hopefully this is not true.  Basically, sorry this is a lil late.... Due to ridiculous and unfortunate situations, I am working with no computer art programs but MS paint.....tragic!  This is for collaboration with the lovelytkeylasunset who was kind enough to write a super cute story for the prompt I suggested on ksvalentine.

Title: Captain's Log: WTF?!
Artist: Xpyne
Series: STXI
Rating: PG
Warnings: SfW, somewhat large picture
Note: Go read Captain’s Personal Log: Stardate 14 February by tkeylasunset so this image makes sense! haha.  This is the scene where Kirk receives violent pre-reform Vulcan poetry from Spock and is...scared confused.  Also, Captain's quarters based on original concept art by Matt Jefferies (guy who designed TOS)

"To them an heir was rightly given, 
a son to grace their halls, heaven sent
to favor the stars. Feeling their woe
that erst they lacked a golden leader
for so long a while, S'haile endowed him
the strength of S'harien, with the world’s renown.
Famed was this Kahr-lan:
all knew the great kethtra told of him,
and gave vaikaya that was all for him.

Come warriors willing, should war draw nigh,
ask'ersu loyal: with lauded deeds
they bore him over the arching sky,
with gilded words sang
of the leader taluhk who long had ruled."

So romantic, Mr. Spock. X'D

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