Nov 28, 2004 17:35
Fuck man...............I don't have any fucking friends anymore really.............this is shitty
I talked to Comfy today.............I can't wait till he gets out. I'm really thinking about moving to ohio with him and starting new. we would live right next to osu in columbus. I was thinking if they have a medical program that i'll finish up my pre-med in peoria and then move. But I'm not too sure what all is goign to happen in the next few months. We still have to sell both houses and then find out where we're gonna live after that. Then when my mom gets her masters in nursing anethesia, she'll be moving to decataur to get her doctorate and i don't know if I'll be moving with her or staying in peoria or going to ohio. Man this is all so confusing.............and on top of that no one is trying to hire me. I need some fucking attention god dammit.
get her trust
make her feel special
and then ice the cake..............................I wish i had a man that would try that hard to get my attention............or capture my heart.
my heart was wrapped in clovers, and now they're starting to die because your love feels like it no longer lingers around my wilting heart of clovers
please.........I want to die right now, and its not a figure of speech. Someone please help me, and reach out to my fucking aching soul. I need help I need support and most of all I need friends.......So forgive me for whatever wrong Ive done you in the past, and take my hand