"you have the most beautiful eyes, and jsut like your mother, a beautiful face."

Nov 15, 2004 10:33

Quote from my Grandpa this morning, The Gpa with tumors in his stomache, not the one with lung cancer. I was never really too close with my Gpa, but he had a good talk with me this morning. The words of a dying man seem to stick a little harder, ya know?

Well I've been doing alright, its been a minute since i updated last. So I figured I'd give you blood suckers what you want.........not so juicy info of my life.

Man I'm all sorts of bummed out, winter is too close, both my grandfathers are terminally ill, my boyfriend (whom I've been with almost two years) is turning me away, my dog dosen't like me anymore, I'm never gettting my money back from that crackhead, or from that heroin addict, or from my sister, or from procter. Neither houses are selling, my mother is on the edge of a nervous breakdown, my sister......well my sister, So I might as well jsut throw everything away and start new.

So how about the things that are semi-good.......  I start at ICC next semester, fun fun.  No more HIGH school for me!!!! I'm gonna be part time cause I still have to keep a job and get my GED. ummmmmm I've been staying clean so far........Ummmm I'm startin to gain my friends back....well kinda, the ones I want back anyways. Well thats bout it........

ex oh ex oh

Your little reject

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