Mar 23, 2006 17:16
Hmm havn'y updated in here for a while. I don't like getting on the computer anymore. It seems to cause troubles for me. Hmmmmm an update eh.....Well me and andy broke up. No worries I'm not heartbroken, It was a good thing. I can play the feild now. Call me a whore and I'll tell you thank you. This bitch on TV is wearing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much makeup. EYUCK
I've been bowling like everyday now for the past week and a half. This is something that I am determined to get good at. But a hit a bump in the road yesterday. I hurt my finger in a freak bowling accident, buuuuuuut thats not stopping me.
I'm looking for a second job now. I still feel like I'm not making enough money. But I may just be spending too much of it aswell. And now I have a car but no license, and I gotta get that and get insurance on it. And i hope I'll be able to move into the house next door soon. But I don't like that I can afford it all by myself. there are three bedrooms and I am currently taking application for roomates. HAHAHA jsut joshin. But I am looking for some reliable people to move in there with me. I don't like being by my lonesome all the time and living alone makes me nervous.
I think I may be drinking too much, but hey at least I'm not putting a fucking needle in my arm everyday.
I feel like I have only a couple of friends lately. I get to feeling kinda down about it but oh well who gives a flying fuck anyways I gotta work. I don't have time for too many friends or hanging out all the time. I need to work and stay out of trouble.
This is what I do now- work bowl work some more bowl some more get drunk bowl occasional sex bowl and work. I need to go to school or do something productive
My sister is back now and thats a sigh of relief, shes not entirely together yet tho. Fuck I'm gonna take a nap god damnit Fuck all you haters. and don't say chubby or anything that rhymes with it...I'll jst tell you to shut up