04: Let's try out this human thing.

Feb 11, 2010 17:48

((Action log))

Blaze was itching to try out the earrings Hojita had promised her. She held the small box tightly to her hip as she walked to her bedroom. She could hear scuffling and shouting outside her dormroom window, but paid it no attention. Reckless juveniles.

Her disgust instantly turned to .... even greater disgust at the sight of her new "earrings." Not only were they kind of gigantic, but they were egg-shaped, green, and had little question marks on them. What kind of statement would someone wearing these want to make? The mystery of whether one's ears would fall off under the weight of the 10lb. egg earrings? Ugh, this dimension irked her so bad sometimes.

Still, she was curious about becoming a human and learning its benefits/downsides, so after a bit of reluctance, she put them on. The transformation was almost instantaneous. The first thing she noticed was that she was much taller. The ceiling seemed closer than it usually was, and her bed wasn't horribly too big for her anymore. Her clothes still seemed to fit, thank Chaos, but she was especially curious about how she looked. A rare moment of vanity on her part.

Walking over to the bathroom mirror, she was quite taken aback at the physical changes. She wasn't lavender and white anymore. Her ponytail was missing, as was her -other- tail. She couldn't see her red jewel on her forehead because it was covered by a mesh of purple hair. After recovering from the initial shock, she admitted to herself that it could have been much worse and accepted it as it was.

Completely forgetting about the riffraff outside, she rubbed the back of her neck nervously and headed outside, wondering if people would notice and how they would react.

action log, human

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