I've been going through the archives of this journal to fix tags and do some other things, and just came across this interesting meme.
Your job, if you choose to accept it, is to go into the archives of my journal and pull out a random quote from some time, some year, and then my job will be to see if I can remember what I was talking about. You tell me if I'm remotely right or wrong.
Nope, I can't peek, and you'll have to trust I won't. :)
Please don't pick a quote that's so random that it could apply to anything, like "feh" or "Dmn it!" or something equally general. Pick something that might actually be about something, but not so blatantly about something that I won't have to guess what I'm talking about.
My calendar. If you want to have a better chance at baffling me, pick anything after September 2005, which is what I'm up to now. :)
And, guess what? I'M SICK AGAIN! This is starting to piss me off. I came down with that month-long cold/sore throat/cough, which is mostly gone but still hanging on. I have a bit of a sore throat every few days. Then today, I had to go home from work due to nausea. I napped and feel much better -- but now I have a sore throat coming on with a vengeance! Grr. Tips for getting better are welcomed, since I'm so tired of all of this I am liable to just ignore it if I can. Sigh. Stupid body.