I'm visiting family right now in Saint John (about an hour away from Fredericton, where I live) and I've been reading a couple of coffee-table books on the most beautiful cities and museums in the world. It's neat to see which ones I've been to, so... I'm going to make up my own meme.
From The 100 Most Beautiful Cities of the World, I've been to:
1. Paris
2. Brussels
3. Bruges
4. Antwerp
5. Amsterdam
6. New York
7. Washington, D.C.
8. Chicago
9. Vancouver
10. Toronto (seriously?! How is T.O. beautiful??)
The book's emphasis is on cities in Europe (that's 50/100 right there). Belgium gets 3 of those cities, but Canada gets 2, Australia gets 2, and New Zealand gets nothing. (The U.S. gets 6.) It's a nice picture book, anyway.
The other book - Museums: Masterpieces of Architecture in the World - is much nicer, though still leaves out a lot of nice museums that I've been to (Canada gets one shout-out, and Texas gets nothing!) This book was more fun to go through, and now I have a new list of museums I want to visit. My favourite was the Jewish museum in Berlin, Germany.
Museums with magnificent architecture that I've been to:
1. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
2. Louvre Museum, Paris
3. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
4. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
5. Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.
That's out of about 50 museums, so my rate is about 10% for both memes. I need to travel more! :D
What beautiful cities or museums have you been to?