For the Neopians

Dec 07, 2008 20:46

I've gotten back into Neopets the last couple of months, and have been collecting a number of screenshots of my activities. If you're familiar with Neopets, follow me

This is my first pet, Soleta, who is currently a lab rat. (I'm trying to get her awesome battle stats through the ray.) She doesn't look like this anymore, but I really love this shot. So creepy! She's a Christmas Ogrin here.

This was Soleta's next species change. ...Not as cool.

And this was her next species change. I loved this one too! Unfortunately she was a Shadow Uni for less than a week. :(

This is Soleta now, a Blue Ruki. She was a little sad to see the purple horn go, so I bought her that adorable hat. Hopefully it will look just as cute on her when she gets another species change!

This is my second Neopet, Ari (short for Ariadne). I initially intended for her to be my lab pet, since at the time she was my battle pet (Soleta was my reader), but her first shot at the ray turned her Snow! She refused to go back and has since retired from the Battledome, preferring to poof her tail and primp her fur. She's such a girly girl now. What am I going to do with her?!

This is my not-so-foster, Toni. She was only ever temporary (for me to get the grey avatar), but she's grown on me. Especially with this outfit! I absolutely love this. If you go on the site, you'll see that most of these items are animated.

This is how my pets looked before I buckled and bought NeoCash.

This is my main pet on my alternate Harry Potter account, ShinyHermione. I got a Fairy Fountain quest on this account when it was less than a month old (I've never gotten one on my main account, which is 7 years old!), and this seemed the most Harry Potterish paint job for an Ixi. :) This was before the art update - I really prefer this (old) art.

This is Hermione now, with the new art and some items.

This is ParselTongueSpeaker. SO Harry Potter-ish, no?

When I saw this background I just HAD to have it. Hee. Gross food! This is a pet I wanted to give away, but the background might be too good now...

THIS is the long-awaited windfall I made today! Stocks have been pissing me off lately, since I have a bunch and they haven't gone up for me very much at all. So I was happy to sell a bunch today!

This was AWESOME, from around Halloween. It's from the Halloween gift capsule. Apparently people buy 20-30 capsules (?!?!) before getting the "bonus" item, and this was only capsule #5 (total on two different accounts) for me. I REALLY wanted the "Here's Fluffy" item - though it would be more appropriate on my Harry Potter account - and I got that, an extra item (you usually only get 3) AND the bonus item. Woo! :D

This is from a couple of months ago. In 7 years of playing, that was the first time I got the treasure!

And I've been trying for this avatar for a couple of years - thanks to equipment loans from a friend, I was able to get it! The next battledome doe whooped my ass, though, so I need more stats and better weapons. Boo.

Now, for those of you still actively playing and paying attention to NeoCash stuff - what's going on with the gift boxes? From what I can surmise, they seem to be a way for you to transfer NeoCash items between accounts. Is that true? If so, I don't understand why people aren't more excited about them. That's been a long-standing annoyance for people, it seems - having items on one account that would fit better on another, having duplicates on one account and none of the item on another, etc. And that would make such a nice Christmas gift, to be able to give friends NeoCash items.

So, again, assuming this is accurate, it seems that the process, then, is to buy NeoCash cards. For every $2.50 you purchase, you get a gift box. (I've also heard that gift boxes are the bonus item for the new holiday capsule. Otherwise, the holiday capsule isn't that exciting.) Then, do you have to buy wrapping paper? Because there are cheap and not-so-cheap wrapping papers you can buy. I don't see the purpose of them unless you have to buy them in order to use the gift box, or something.


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