Lazy Saturday

Nov 29, 2008 14:52

From redshoeson

Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

Cooooool. I wanted Alice. :D She is the best character, by far.

Snagged from ladypoetess.

Your rainbow is shaded green.

What is says about you: You are an intelligent person. You feel strong ties to nature and your mood changes with its cycles. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality.

Find the colors of your rainbow at

I just hit 60k words for NaNoWriMo! (Oh, yeah, I guess I haven't announced here yet: I won!) I should be able to hit 65k by tomorrow night since I have two more write-ins between now and then. Woo!

I hope all of you doing NaNo are still writing joyfully, whether you've won or are racing to get there or are at least writing more than you would have in November without NaNo.

And I hope everyone in the U.S. had a great Thanksgiving (and a trample-free Black Friday)!

I have my Christmas decorations up! My mini tree with geeky Hallmark ornaments is up, and I've started wrapping gifts. I'll try to post pics later!

memes, nano

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