Apr 09, 2008 22:01
Um. My eyebrow is angry. It's been incredibly sore all day, and it's intensely burning right now. It looks red around the outer edge of the bump, and bright white in the middle (it looks like a blister). I just salted it (sea salt soak) for 10 minutes and put tea tree oil and calendula gel on it. Not helping.
I did forget to salt it last night. Oops. :( I did it for 5 minutes this morning. It's supposed to be 10, but I figured it was better than nothing. But it was itchy all day (and I confessed that I scratched at it a bit - very hard not to!). Sigh. I really am trying to salt it twice a day now, which results in doing it once a day most days (yesterday was the first day I forgot in a couple of weeks). It was looking better a couple of weeks ago (after looking worse, after looking better, after looking worse, after looking better...)
How do I know it's actually healing, and not just going in a never-ending circle that is going to leave with me a HELL of a scar when I eventually have to admit defeat and take this thing out?
ETA: I salted it again last night and it cooled right down. (When I salted it earlier in the evening it just continued to burn - maybe there was too much salt?) I salted it again this morning ("makeup? or salt? hmm, SALT!") and it's not burning. It looks much better - still pink, but the white part is half the size. Let this be a lesson to never miss a salting again, and to try to do so twice a day! This feels super religious or something, all this talk of salt. Maybe I should throw some over my shoulder twice a day too! ;)