I finally watched Juno. Non-spoilery thoughts:
I LOVE Ellen Page. She is so adorable. I can't quite put my finger on it at the moment, but her 'look' captivates me - she's quite traditionally pretty, with piercing doe-eyes, but she also rocks what I'd call the 90s alternative look. SO counter-cultural and awesome. And that's not even getting into her kick-ass snarky personality (<3). She reminds me of someone... or something... but I can't put my finger on it quite yet.
Okay, I'm writing this while I watch the movie (yay downloads!) but the Jennifer Garner character? OMG HATE! Her character (in her first scene) is EXACTLY the kind of wifely domesticity that makes me HATE the institution of marriage. I've been thinking a lot about marriage lately (don't ask me why), and I think I've come to this: if marriage means that sort of 'woman with the perfect suburban house and matching furniture who is very invested in the cleanliness and upkeep of her home'
and is uptight and controls her husband -- and does stuff like INTERRUPTS when her husband is finally connecting with the mother of the baby she wants to adopt, acting like he's being rude and insensitive, when he's just meeting Juno at her own level and, you know, BEING HIMSELF. Ugh, that shit makes me sick. That is so my step-mother when I was in high school. If that is marriage? I have NO INTEREST. Stick me in a queer commune for the rest of my life and I'd be happy.
BUT. Yes there's a but. BUT I have seen so many people now - real life friends as well as online peeps - who lead much different married lives. They're cool, hip, they backpack for years together -- they're just THEMSELVES, but together. Not living out this elaborate dream of domesticity that clearly only fulfils the needs of one partner, if that. And that's cool. I could be down with that.
Okay, seriously, I expected to like Jennifer Garner in this role. I've heard good things about her performance. And sure she's playing it well... But I hate the character. She's so judgemental I just want to slap her. And her husband is actually scared of her!
Now I'm watching the scene where Jen and Jason (I'm just going to call them by their real names) are in the baby's room choosing between "custard" and some other identical-looking yellow colour. Jesus. I've maintained this for much of my life and I'll say it again: I'm such a guy. I don't have time for that crap. Bohemian 4 life!
Also, I NEED this soundtrack. All the acoustic stuff is kicking my ass. I laughed when they played the Sonic Youth song - I remember when that first came out!
Done the movie now. I loved it. Very sweet, quirky. And I absolutely love this music. I think it's the acoustic, sweet-sounding music with absolutely nutso aggressive lyrics. Awesome. (And I'm so happy Jen and Jason divorced! THANK YOU.)
Does anyone have the soundtrack to this movie, or any songs by Kimya Dawson (who did all the quirky songs)? She's absolutely fabulous. Funny, I can't recall another artist who's songs and musical style are such an integral part of a movie. The songs alone make so much of the atmosphere. Anyway, if anyone can hook me up with some music, I'd be forever grateful. *squishes* Meantime, I'm listening to
this song over and over again.
errrrca Two names you go by:
1. Soleta
2. My real name
Two things you are wearing right now
1. Big, bright multicoloured wool socks
2. An orange velour jacket
Two of your favorite things to do
1. Chat with friends
2. Write in my journal
Two things you want very badly at the moment
1. A boy to massage my back.
2. Spring!
Two favorite pets you have/had
1. Maggie, the lovely Shih-Tzu
2. Various kitties who I've lived with who weren't mine
Two people who will fill this out
1. Consider this a tag -
2. And
Two things you ate today.
1. Trader Joe's Sipping Chocolate
2. Fredericton beef and veggie samosas
Two people you last talked to
1. My roommate
2. My friend Julie
Two things you're doing tomorrow
1. Working
2. Drinking
Two longest car rides
1. From Calgary, Alberta, to Charlottetown, P.E.I., in grade 9. Took a week.
2. Ties between childhood trips Calgary-Winnipeg, Calgary-Victoria, Toronto-Newfoundland... Yeah.
Two favorite holidays
1. Backpacking Europe
2. Visiting good friends
Two favorite beverages
1. Coke
2. Cardamom-flavoured ceylon tea
Two favorite TV shows (right now)
1. How I Met Your Mother
2. The Office
Now I need to not forget that Lost is on tonight. New TV! Finally!
Also, thanks for reminding me about this
malanai. I enjoyed this last year!
Get your own valentinr ETA: HAHA, the punk receptionist in the movie (who looks about 16)
is my age! Awesome. My age rocks. *loves the universe* Also, there are a lot of Canadians in this movie!
Speaking of my age, I meant to pimp
this picspam again. Go see all the hotties who are turning 31 this year! I have one month left... :S Ah, screw it. *embraces*