1. Ughhhh, it's so hot and sticky in my room. My thermometre has been at 34 degrees the last few days - 93F. That's the max temperature on it, so it might even be higher than that now. Goddammit. I should have gone to Texas in late August, I know. Accio air conditioner! I seriously haven't been able to sleep for a few days now.
2. I absolutely do not want to do anything in this heat. I should find more things to do outside. At least that way I enjoy the heat - it's so much hotter and unbearable inside.
3. I've been having pain in my foot for the last two months, and apparently my arch is falling. Have any of you heard of that? Crazy. I have insoles and everything. I don't know why it would be falling.
4. I rarely watch TV during the summer, but one show I'm trying to get into this year is Big Brother. I've watched bits of it the last two years and, after I got over the whole "Oh my god I'm watching Big Brother" *facepalm* thing, I really enjoyed it. It's more crack than Survivor, I swear. So it's with great hostility that I say that I want to STAB CTV in the eye. They keep changing the time it airs, so for the last two weeks I've only had a 50% success rate in actually watching the freaking thing. Like tonight. Last Thursday night I watched Big Brother at 10 p.m. It is 10 now. Is it on TV? NO. It aired at 9 tonight JUST TO FUCK WITH ME. I needed my sociopathic Jen fix goddammit. *stabbity*
5. And now back to your regularly scheduled Harry Potter:
I SO NEED THIS! The Monster Book of Monsters - both a book and a cuddly plush. I need it to eat my face. NEED IT.
Most of you have seen this I'm sure, but:
JKR tells what happens next - spoilers for DH! Your Score: GRYFFINDOR!
You scored 16% Slytherin, 16% Ravenclaw, 72% Gryffindor, and 36% Hufflepuff!
You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart.
Gryffindors are known for their courage, audacity, and devotion to what is good and honest.
The Sorting Hat Test written by
leeannslytherin on
OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the
The Dating Persona Test SWEET. I was scared I wouldn't get Gryffindor, and I'm not surprised Hufflepuff is my next highest.