Your secret is out, Diana Prince!

Jul 18, 2007 20:09

I love how all reading my (filtered) flist makes me want to do is log off and read a good chunk of HBP tonight. I started re-reading it again over the weekend (it's been a whole month! I need to refresh my memory! :D) and if I don't do at least one good few-hours sit-down with it, I may not finish it by Friday. I'm getting into a happy dreamy state, though that may just be because I've had one of the best crappiest days ever.

Crappy because of a lot of things, but best because nothing is really bothering me. I spent over an hour on the phone with the effing bank trying to figure out why my online banking isn't working - after spending a half an hour talking with them last week. Still nothing's solved and I have to go to the physical location to try a couple of other things that still might not work, but I was given the equivalent of $20 of free groceries for my trouble. That will come in handy. It's such a pleasure to not feel guilty when you spend money on food.

I also spent 3 excruciating hours today essentially forcing myself at gunpoint to work on my apartment search, since I have done very little even though I've been back in Canada for a week and a half now. That awesome house that I was hoping to get, by the way, fell through. Le effing sigh. I absolutely fucking hate making phone calls, but I made at least 20 of them and actually started having fun with it for a half an hour or so, before I predictably crashed and then the last part was excruciating again. But I have 3 showings in a span of 2 hours after work tomorrow - no, four, once I email one more person. That person is actually the apartment I'm most excited about - fairly cheap (for what I've been seeing) and includes ALL bills and utilities, which is awesome. It's a 40 minute walk to work, which kinda sucks, but I've done it before and it's good exercise! Also, the house I was hoping to get was awesome in all ways BUT location - it would have been 1.5 hours to walk to work and thus I'd have taken the bus (which I absolutely hate). So this is much better than that. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but it would be hella convenient if I really liked the roommate and the place was really nice and ideally near at least a convenience store and some amenities... Wish me luck!

So now I'm in this dreamy state where I completely feel high, but just the good stuff with no side effects. I could probably write a lot of far-out dream prose right now, about how everything's going to be all right and work out in the end and there's a plan you just don't know it yet so just trust and don't question every little thing you impatient ... lovely person you.

Caught up on my (filtered) flist. Oh, and you must check out this comic strip. SO funny and perfect. I need to print that and frame it.

I wanted to post a bunch of HP wizard rock music today, since I know a lot of people are going offline tomorrow, but I don't have the energy. Maybe tomorrow, or maybe it will be a "yay, we've come back online after reading DH!" sharing of HP music. :)

Yesterday I was really scared that I'd have to spend a lot of time this week (pre-DH) doing apartment hunting stuff, or feeling guilty that I wasn't doing apartment-hunting stuff, and thus have less time (less productive, guilt-free time) to enjoy the anticipation of book 7 and doing such geeky things like preparing my book release outfit and tracking down all my HP items to either bring there or at least photograph to post at some point on this journal, though I can probably almost definitely guarantee that won't be happening before Friday. I just got this digital camera at Christmas last year and I had the fabulous idea to pictograph (oh my god the words that come out when you're 'high') - photograph all of my fannish collections and post them in different posts and how cool would that be, and now that I have my camera it's like, oh, yeah, someday, whatever, bored!now, blah blah blah... But I really do like that idea and I really should be doing it, especially soon for HP...

Before I sign off and either read HBP before bed or fall asleep at my desk, have a meme.

1. Leave me a comment saying that you want me to ask you 5 questions.
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better. If I already know you well, expect the questions to be a little more intimate.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and then offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.

From citibyrd

1. What was the first thing you were truly fannish about?
Hmm. Interesting phrasing. I always say that my first real fandom was Buffy, but I've always wonder if it was not in fact Ani DiFranco - and since you've firmly illustrated through your recent fannish obsessions that music CAN produce fandoms, then I think I'll conclude that Ani was in fact my first fandom. Though with her it was never squee! kind of "fan" fannish - there was that in a way, but I was involved for years in a wonderful mailing list and we'd often discuss/debate political topics and use her lyrics to support our points and such - being Ani fans, we were all pretty much united in being queer-positive, left-leaning people, but there was much to discuss and argue within that, believe me. These were wonderful people I'm no longer in contact with anymore, but I miss them a lot. It's as if we were active in LJ for 5 years, had wonderful experiences, and then the LJ site died and we all went our separate ways and didn't keep in touch. How depressing is THAT? The mailing list (the final incarnation) died, and we had no way to contact each other, and yeah it just ended. :( Sometimes I think about trying to contact some of these people - I have some print outs of their messages through a very tough time in my life, one I've posted about on my LJ a year ago. Maybe someday. (Well, now THAT was rambly.)

2. What's the weirdest (or funniest, or grossest) experience you've had with an animal?
Um. The thing that comes to mind is more sad, or weird in an odd way I suppose. I was a facilitator in frosh week in my second year of University and one night at a pub we were outside and a group of us came across a dying bird, a seagull. It was so sad. I think one of the frosh found it and was really upset, came and got us to see if we could do anyting to save it. We were probably with it for a half hour or so trying to figure out how to help it, but IIRC, I think it died or we realized it was hopeless, and we sort of gave it a burial and send off - didn't bury it, left it to die in its final moments, but made it comfortable and said goodbye. It was really sad and touching and a really weird thing to do when you're drunk.

3. What's your favorite thing you've ever written?
The writings I alluded to in the first answer. They were one of the hardest things I've ever written. Over two (long) posts, written over several hours amidst sobs. Very, very difficult to get out and describe and remember, but really important, and such a relief when they were done - especially hearing back from people how they reacted to them, how it helped them in some way, made them feel stronger. I'm proud to be a survivor. (Anyone who has me friended is welcome to request the links and I will happily give them. These are posts I'd love to share, but 'pimping' them in the normal LJ way doesn't feel right.)

4. Would you rather live in a basement or an attic?
Oh god. I've recently decided I hate living in basement apartments, so... attic? Though that seems really depressing. At least you can finish a basement. I guess a basement. Guh!

5. Tea or coffee?
Tea, definitely. Coffee makes me sick. Which is something I remind my dad every time he gives me coffee as gifts.

From canadian_turtle

01) What's that quote from?
"Besides, the Mexican food sucks north of here anyway..." That's from Bowling for Soup's "Come Back to Texas", a song which I've been playing incessantly ever since ciaracat sent it to me a few days ago. :D Nasa wants me back!

02) Your biggest pet peeve?
You know when people are asking a very simple, straightforward question that you may or may not have an answer to - but they ask it with an insistent, whining, demanding quality to their voice? Like they come up to you and demand, "WHY isn't this clock working??" And you stare at them, and mumble out, "Uh, I don't know, I'm not a clock specialist..." and instead of hearing you and realizing what an inappropriate question it is, at least to be asking you, especially in that tone of voice, they continue on, "But it SHOULD be working. Clocks are MADE to work. Why is there a clock here if it doesn't WORK? I expect you to fix it RIGHT NOW!" That is the kind of thing I wish I could just laugh at and think they're an idiot - when really I feel like an idiot - because they're *acting* like I'm an idiot so I just assume I am or at least this person thinks I am and they seem put-together enough, so it must be true. And then I argue with myself, and finally work my way back to "No I'm a good person, and this person is making no sense." And then I feel PISSED OFF, at them and myself, and that makes the whole situation worse...

03) Your favourite TV-show, ever?
For a long time it was Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Then Firefly came along. At least my devotion stayed in the family.

04) Anything in your life you wish you could change?

05) The oldest thing you own?
Hmm... I have a funky necklace my mom made in high school the 1970s. I have some hilarious outdated advice-giving books from the 1950s. I have various historical pamphlets from the 1930s/60s lying around. I have the high school composite photograph (framed) of my grandmother's graduating year in 1949. I have a medal from my great grandfather for a speed walking competition he won in the 1920s. That's probably the oldest thing I own, unless I have some really decrepit pennies somewhere...

Also, I just want to say: I love peppermint oil. I had a naaaaaasty headache yesterday. Not throbbing enough to take meds, but enough to make me feel ill and woozy - finally I thought to dab a little bit of oil on my forehead and within 10 minutes I felt SO much better. I have my woozy again and am reaching for the oil now.


memes, hp, writing, rl

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