Okay, after thinking about it some more, I'm pulling out the big guns. There are serious, reliable spoilers out there (the whole book is scanned and available online) and it's time to heighten the alert to the next appropriate level of Bush-defined terror.
01. I've temporarily disabled anonymous commenting and set commenting to friends-only. I'll reverse this after I've finished Deathly Hallows.
02. For the next few days I'm only going to read people who've promised they won't post spoilers. Let me know you're committed to that by voting in this poll, and I'll happily read you and probably comment a lot since I won't have a full flist to read. :) I'll probably go offline completely come early Friday evening, which is midnight London time, when I expect the internets and news media (and EVERYTHING) to explode. I will truly be cloistered at that point!
Poll Temporary flist pruning Also,
spectralbovine has some more
good tips for avoiding spoilers, and
ack_attack has added a couple more
usernames to ban.
Non-HP-related (shock, I know!): I saw a really nice house for rent last night and am hoping to get it. Wish me luck! The big negative is location, but there are many other positives, and I've even managed to turn the location into a positive. More on that later.