I don't know how I can explain clearly if you don't watch the show, but my roommate just laughed when I told her so I'll try.
Alliance #1 is smarmy and mean, and arrogantly think they have a majority. When they talk to the one female to make sure she's on their side, they realize she totally is NOT (I hate Stacy, but for now, go Stacy!!) so they start scrambling. One of their members has an immunity idol, so they convince the idol-holder to give his idol to the person they think is going to be voted off by alliance #2. The idol-holder is *very* reluctant and eloquently describes why he would be an absolute IDIOT to give up the idol so early in the game, and then proceeds to give up the idol. Smart, Mookie. SMRT.
Unbeknownst to alliance #1, they have a mole, the "swing vote" guy they think is on their side who is really feeding info to alliance #2. Alliance #2 is earnest and hot (Earl!) and all-around awesome, so you must like them. The mole (Dreamz, fab name I know) tells them alliance #1 has given the immunity idol to the person they were originally going to vote for, so they decide to vote for Mookie (PWN!). But then, once the mole is gone, the rest of alliance #2 decide they can't trust him (as he screwed them over just last episode, but he was actually loyal here) - so they decide to surprise EVERYBODY by voting off Random Guy in alliance #1 (who is sadly kinda hot, but not as hot as my Earl!).
Skip to tribal council. There's the usual "how will this vote affect the game?" chatty lead-in, then the vote itself. THEN, for the first time ever in Survivor history, a hidden immunity idol is played before the votes are read - by the idol-taker in alliance #1, so all according to plan. Members of alliance #2 snicker, but quietly.
Then the votes are read. This is the best part.
So you know how usually Jeff arranges the votes to read person #1/person #2, back and forth, to build up suspense? Not this time. Instead, just to FUCK WITH THE HEADS of alliance #1, he reads off all three of their votes first. With each vote, their smiles grow wider, more confident, more arrogant and cocky. The camera zooms in on the actual person who will be going home tonight, Random Guy (cutie Edgardo) from alliance #1, who is sporting a shit-eating grin so wide you can't help but be dazzled by the white of his teeth. Enjoy this moment, Edgardo, because soon that shit is going to drop, just a metre or so.
The next vote is read. Again Jeff plays head games and reads Mookie's name the original idol-holder. Camera pans to Mookie, looking bewildered and like maybe he shoulda kept that idol after all... Admire how Edgardo's grin cracks a little, and he looks uncertain.
Then the next vote is read, this time Edgardo's name, and now comes SHOCK. All of alliance #1 realizes they've been screwed. Edgardo specifically looks like he's swallowed a lemon. Contrasting his earlier smarm with his current shade of green is most pleasant indeed. At this point I was hooting and hollaring on my couch the whole time, air-pumping my fists and screaming "YES! YES!!" More votes - second, third, fourth, fifth, all for Edgardo, meaning he's going home. His alliance looks utterly shell-shocked and devastated. Swing Vote Dreamz is looking thoughtful. The whole of alliance #2 is tittering mischievously.
This has turned so dirty. AWESOME. Seriously, best tribal council ever, to see the arrogant pricks who just assume they have the game in the bag get shot down. And to see the most endearing and sweetest alliance, who just lost a member in an upset last episode, pull off this level of subterfuge is so satisfying.
Now that I got that off my chest, I can go back to crushing on Earl.
Sorry that my LJ has gone all TV-centric lately, but you'll understand with the move and crazy packing (and annoying sinus headaches that refuse to go away) I haven't had much time to post. I'm still reading my flist and commenting, but when I'm busy TV squee seems like the most natural and enjoyably efficient way to post. :)
The only other news I have to share is that decluttering is strangely satisfying.
Oh, and I just caught up on The Office. Last week's episode was enjoyable, but the week before that was HILARIOUS. I was pissing my pants the whole time. I seriously need to watch that again.
dawnie1970 has the best quizzes
You Are Olive Green
You are the most real of all the green shades. You're always true to yourself.
For you, authenticity and honesty are very important... both in others and yourself.
You are grounded and secure. It takes a lot to shake you.
People see you as dependable, probably the most dependable person they know.
What Color Green Are You? Very cool. I like that. Though I hate the actual colour.
You Are Jan Brady
Brainy and a little introverted, you tend to think life is a lot worse than it actually is.
And while you may think you're a little goofy looking, most people consider you to be a major babe.
What Brady Are You? Heeeeee.
You Are Chunky Monkey Ice Cream
Truthfully, you're too spazzy to be chunky - you cheeky monkey!
What Flavor Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Are You?