Yeah, I expected that.
I kept waiting for the "JULIET'S BAD!" part for the whole episode. It was just too simple. I gave up just before the end, because I *want* her to be good, and she really does seem to be a good person in a bad situation from what they've shown us. I'd like to see the rest of the exchange between her and Ben. Does he have a new way of coercing her to do what he wants? I'm still a Muffin fan, but I do hope this complication gets more complicated. That she has a change of heart and turns against Ben, or something. This is getting boring.
Then again, the look on Jack's face when he realizes she's been playing him all this time... That may well be worth it.
In other news, I'm about ready to stab myself in the forehead with a knife. I think one month of miserable sinus trouble has been quite long enough. Plz to be going away now.